Tuesday, July 26, 2005

"This mattress is so much softer than my crib's." Posted by Picasa

...Daddy feeds the next morning. Posted by Picasa

Mommy feeds one afternoon... Posted by Picasa

Calvin reaching for one of his favorite new toys. Posted by Picasa

Lounging in the kiddie pool. If he looks unhappy, it is because he is. He doesn't seem to get excited about water unless it's his bath. If he looks overexposed, it's because he is. And he has really pale skin. Posted by Picasa

A visit to the N.E.W. Zoo: Finally, Calvin can look down to see someone...or something. Posted by Picasa

The Power of Suggestion. Posted by Picasa

Calvin: Up close and personal. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 22, 2005

And just what are you looking at? Posted by Picasa

Nap time: His legs can't always be kicking. Posted by Picasa

Mom took this after his second ever feeding. He looks a little stunned--I don't think he knows exactly what just happened. All we can tell him is that it had something to do with sweet peas and carrots. Posted by Picasa

A visit to the doctor's office: He's smiling only because he hasn't had his shots yet. Posted by Picasa

A (hot) day at the races. And Daddy didn't run very well. Posted by Picasa

Don't worry...

more photos are coming. Again, probably not in any particular order, but they're coming. And there might even be captions.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

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Time is the most valuable commodity.

I have had little chance to post pictures in the last ten days, but they're on the way. I'm going to post ten photos. They aren't going to be in any kind of order, and they won't have any captions. I'll leave that up to your creative mind. Or you can just enjoy (hopefully) the photos.