Monday, December 19, 2005

"I'm ready for the cold."
Christmas. What's the big deal?
Hooray! A bear named Hobbes!
Since, in essence, Christmas starts the day after Thanksgiving, we might as well start opening presents early.
"But there's always room for more mashed potatoes."
"Dad. Stuffed."
"Um, I'm trying to save room for the Thanksgiving meal."
"Oh. It's lean FORWARD to walk." dawn...on a weekend. Yay.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"Mom, why do you call me Snaggletooth?"
"It's time to kick back and enjoy a little Baby Einstein. Isn't it obvious that I rule this household?"
"Umm, not so sure about this guy."
Calvin and Averie
"Now how do I get my legs out of here?"
"I barely sit still long enough for anybody to dress me."
"I'm learning to walk...which makes me dangerous...mainly to myself."

Sunday, November 13, 2005

"Mom and Dad, I'm trying to tell you that you need to lower the matress in my crib. I have every intention of jumping out when I get the chance."
Yes, Calvin. Puddy is trying to get away from you.
"I know we got this storm door for Puddy to look outside, but he's not using it. So why can't I?"
Calvin in his candy cane pajamas.
How about those well placed shots, Dad?
Is raking leaves supposed to be fun or something?

Monday, October 31, 2005

One of the few photos where I am in front of the camera.
More summer thoughts...I might have to repost some of these in January to get me through the winter.
One year and one week ago...
More summer thoughts...
So I don't have to think about cold weather just yet: Summer lightning.
Getting ready to walk down the aisle...
And Grandpa and Grandma...
And the expecting couple...
Yes, there's lots of redeye, but it is Halloween, isn't it?
Since Beth started class on Halloween, Calvin had to do some trick-or-treating Sunday night. He only got to go to a few spots, but his first Halloween has been documented.
Happy Halloween!

New Photos on their way!

I have some new photos that I'll be posting shortly. I'm also going to be posting old photos that hadn't yet seen the light of the web--although some of you have probably seen some of them before. Nevertheless, there will be a bunch.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Calvin in his new Jeep outfit: I'm disappointed that I cut off his foot, but I still like the little smirk on his face.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

There is no witty caption for this one, but I finally got a chance to set up our "basement studio." I can't wait for his Halloween picture.

Monday, October 03, 2005

"Uhh, coach. Over here. Put me in, I'm ready to play. You can probably use me in the secondary." (Don't worry, he'll have his Bears jersey on soon enough.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

After a long day of playing, it feels good to sit down and enjoy the Baby Mozart DVD.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

"Blue goes on the bottom? Now you tell me."
"Dad, I'm not sure I like you on that ladder. Can you please come down?"
"What? You're taking another picture of me?"
After a yummy chicken and rice dinner, it's time to work off the calories with a little basketball.
Getting ready for the Wisconsin winters.
Calvin staying on top of the newest fashion.
...and a mom to break up any trouble. And the bather stays happy. curious dog...
You've got one happy bather...
Calvin loves to pretend he's flying.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

And now the captions are going on top of the photo.
I think these look much better.